Author Archives: admin

Being a geek comes with certain obligations. You don’t need to read every new sci-fi novel or buy every WoW expansion, but you do need to make regular use Source: Geeks Beware: Interweb Gatekeepers Want To Restrict Your Access To Technology | ForeverGeek

The digital future might be defined by the fastest VPN providers   In the last decade, digital media has gone through some crucial changes. Streaming Source: How Will the Digital Future of Movies and TV Series Look Like? | ForeverGeek

Master process automation by choosing the right tools Source: BPM and RPA: The Perfect Match

Automation and Innovation Source: Processes, Innovation, Automation, Transformation

Patricia Ames visited Nintex Xchange 2018, the company’s third annual customer and partner conference. Source: Nintex Xchange 2018

Source: How to Maximize Workforce Performance: Creating a Culture of Growth?

The concept of a funnel is not foreign to seasoned marketers. For years, companies have touted different shapes of funnels, upside down funnels and ev… Source: Why A Double Funnel Strategy Is A Game-Changer For B2B Marketers

Source: The Value of Verticals: Five Steps for a Winning Vertical Marketing Strategy

Business Intelligence Source: Overcoming Organizational Weak Points With Intelligent Process Automation

Source: The State of Digitalization: Is Faster Better?
