HR Magazine – Why the success or failure of change is all relative

HR Magazine – Why the success or failure of change is all relative

When you are planning for change, how will you know you’ve succeeded? By knowing where you start and finish.

There’s an old joke that goes something like this: a lost tourist stops a local and asks for directions to a particular place. The local thinks for a while and then says: “I know the place, but I wouldn’t start from here.”

For anyone involved in change this raises an interesting conundrum: that it’s not only good to know where you are starting from but it’s essential to know just where you are going to finish – and what that place will look like when you finally arrive. Change has to be capable of being measured, but just how far do you need to move the needle to know that you have arrived and that the change has been successful?

Source: HR Magazine – Why the success or failure of change is all relative

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